Five large-scale reforms of the State Council's organizations have been carried out since China' s opening-up and reform, among which, except for the one in 1982, those in 1988, 1993 and 1998 all share the following 4 characteristics. First, the long-term goals of them are clearly identical, i. e. to separate government from enterprise, to change government functions and to establish an administrative system with Chinese characteristics. Second, the focuses of them are the economic and professional administrative departments. Third, their design and practice of personnel transfer are roughly the same. Fourth, they have all been gradually deepened and perfected in spite of their different emphasis on their specific goals and measures. On the other hand, these 3 reforms are all transitional and all bear certain faults owing to the restriction of historic conditions. The reform in 2003 displays new tendencies of reinforcing the government supervision, highlighting professional features of government administration, perfecting the system of market economy at full stream and endeavoring to keep pace with international economy. However, there are still blind spots in it.
Journal of Beijing administration institute