
武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题 被引量:25

The Legitimacy of the Force Used to Fight the International Terrorism
摘要 武力打击国际恐怖主义的合法性问题关系到国际法律秩序的前途与联合国集体安全体制的命运。通过对美国武力反恐政策与实践在国际法学界引发的争议、国际法上自卫权规则和安理会授权武力强制措施的适用性、国际恐怖主义泛滥对自卫权理论和规则的发展方向的影响 ,以及联合国在武力反恐中的作用等问题的分析 ,我们可以看到 ,虽然现有国际法理论和规则并不完全支持武力反恐 ,但是完全排除受害国使用武力反恐既不合理也不可行。为了既有效打击恐怖主义又不滥用武力 ,现行国际法和联合国体制都需要改革 ,以建立一个由和平措施和武力措施共同构成的反恐机制。 The legitimacy of using force to fight the international terrorism concerns the future of international legal order and the collective security mechanism of United Nations. Through the analysis of the disputes in the international law arising from United States policy and practice of using force to fight terrorism, the applicability of self-defence doctrine of international law and the force measures authorized by UNSC, and the functions of UN in force fighting terrorism, we can see that, although the support for the force fighting terrorism couldn't be found in the present international law theory and rules, the complete exclusion of the force used by terrorist victim country is neither reasonable nor feasible. To fight the terrorism effectively meanwhile not to abuse the force power, the present international law and UN system need the reform, building an anti-terrorism system combining peace measures and force measures.
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期129-147,共19页 Chinese Journal of Law
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