
生物电起搏治疗小儿胃食管反流 被引量:3

Electrogastric Feedbacks in the Therapy of Gastroesophageal Reflux of Children
摘要 目的 :利用胃生物电音响治疗仪和生物反馈的原理 ,研究治疗小儿胃排空障碍。方法 :对 2 5例GER患儿采用便携式胃电记录仪记录进餐规律 ,记录主功率 (DP)、主频率 (DF)、正常慢波百分比 (N % )、胃动过缓 (B % )、胃动过速 (T % )百分比及不稳定系数等指标。参考胃电图记录的主频率结果选择适当的刺激参数 ,对患儿进行胃生物电起搏治疗 ,比较治疗前后胃电参数的变化及患儿症状改善情况 ,观察治疗效果。结果 :患儿经胃生物电起搏治疗后 ,临床症状明显改善 ,胃电节律趋于正常 ,餐后 /餐前功率比值较治疗前明显增高。结论 :胃生物电起搏治疗可改善GER临床症状 ,使胃电节律紊乱正常化 ,协调胃 -十二指肠正常蠕动 。 Objective: The aim of this study is to study the role of gastric pacing feedback with music and biological feedback in the therapy of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in children. Methods: Twenty five children with GER were included. Portal surface electrogastrography was used to monitor and record the preprandial and postprandial of gastric myoelectrical changes including dominant frequency (DF), dominant power (DP), the percentage of normal slow wave(N%), the percentage of bradygastria(B%), the percentage of tachygastria(T%),and unstable coefficient (EFIC). According to the recorded DF by means of electrogastrogram, we selected the proper stimulating parameter to perform treatment on children of GER with gastric feedback. The gastroelectrical references and symptoms of patients before and after treatment were compared and the therapeutic effects were observed. Results: Gastric electrical feedback improved the symptoms. The gastric electrical rhythm returned to normal, and preprandial and postprandial DP of the patients increased. Conclusion: Gastric pacing feedback with music can improve the clinical symptoms of patients with GER., regulate the gastric rhythm, and coordinate the normal peristalsis of stomach and duodenum, and accelerate the gastric emptying.
出处 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期537-539,共3页 Journal of China Medical University
关键词 胃食管反流 胃电图 生物电反馈 gastroesophageal reflux electrogastrogram electrogastric feedbacks
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