ve: To evaluate the reliability of clinicans in predicting the arthrographic diagnosis of articular disk position in a typical patient population presenting for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) arthrographic evaluation. Method: We utilized a brief history, clinical examination, characteristic signs of TMJ clicks, and tomographic TMJ imaging in evaluating 128 patients. The radiographist subsequently performed the orthographic procedure on 140 TMJs (116 unilater and 12 bilateral). Result: In totally 140 TMJs, 79 and 61 had characteristic clinical findings of ADDR (anterior disk displacement with reduction )and ADDWR (anterior disk displacement without reduction) accordingly. Arthographic examination demonstrated that 21 TMJs showed normal Arthrography in 79 ADDR TMJsand 12 TMJs showed ADDR in 61 ADDWR TMJs. The misdiagnosis rate of clinical diagnosis of ADDR and ADDWR were 26% and 19%, respectively. The occurence of Osteoarthrosis (OA) in group ADDWR(36%)was significantly higher than that of OA in group ADDR(2%), but there was no difference between group ADDWR and group NA. Conlusion: The result indicated that not all TMJID has chracterisitic clinical findings, the clinical findings is only a reference. The relationship between OA and TMJID was also noticed. At present, it would seem appropriate to consider OA as an additional diagnosis assciated with TMJID, rather than an inevitable end-stage of TMJID.
Chinese Journal of Prosthodontics