On Oct. A30. 1999, the last GuangzhouAutum Fair in the century rang down the cur-tain, during which Shanxi province concludedtransactions of 997 mi1lion US dollars.Two conclusions could be drawn obviouslyfrom this Fair:A. The world economic siIuation is turninbright and the Shanxi’s export enviroment hasbeen greatly improved. The vloume of Shanxi’stransactions in this Fair boasted an increasedby 32. 94% compared with that of lasone. And also the number of countries and regions exported to as well as that of the products varieties have heen increased. It is showthat the eXport markets are mainly the newlydeveloped ones in Mideast, the former SovietUnion and the Eastern European countries.This is the result of shanxi’s nexiblestrategies of developing new markets inMideast, Eastern European countries, SouthAmerica and Africa in dealing with the Asianfinacial crisis.B. It is urgent to develope trade throughsciellce and technology. Among the productsconcluded in Shanxi’s transactions in thisFair, the raw materials and old products occupied the main Position, while the prod uets offamous brand, high qua1ity and characteristicsincIuding commodities of mechanics and electronics were of low grade. Compared with thoseof the deve1oped provinces in the coastal areas.Facts shows that it is pressing to enlargeShanxi’s export not only by folIowing the stepof the provincial industry rebuiIding, but a1soby developing the trade through science andtechnoloty, as well as by promoting the development of new and high technological productsand products of high1y added products.
On Oct. A30. 1999, the last GuangzhouAutum Fair in the century rang down the cur-tain, during which Shanxi province concludedtransactions of 997 mi1lion US dollars.Two conclusions could be drawn obviouslyfrom this Fair:A. The world economic siIuation is turninbright and the Shanxi's export enviroment hasbeen greatly improved. The vloume of Shanxi'stransactions in this Fair boasted an increasedby 32. 94% compared with that of lasone. And also the number of countries and regions exported to as well as that of the products varieties have heen increased. It is showthat the eXport markets are mainly the newlydeveloped ones in Mideast, the former SovietUnion and the Eastern European countries.This is the result of shanxi's nexiblestrategies of developing new markets inMideast, Eastern European countries, SouthAmerica and Africa in dealing with the Asianfinacial crisis.B. It is urgent to develope trade throughsciellce and technology. Among the productsconcluded in Shanxi's transactions in thisFair, the raw materials and old products occupied the main Position, while the prod uets offamous brand, high qua1ity and characteristicsincIuding commodities of mechanics and electronics were of low grade. Compared with thoseof the deve1oped provinces in the coastal areas.Facts shows that it is pressing to enlargeShanxi's export not only by folIowing the stepof the provincial industry rebuiIding, but a1soby developing the trade through science andtechnoloty, as well as by promoting the development of new and high technological productsand products of high1y added products.
Shanxi Today