The compound of Wang’sfaInily is situated at the foot ofMian Mountain in Mid - ShanxiPreacture. It was once the residence of the most powerful family of wealth - - the Wangfamily in Ming and Qing Dynasty, It is composed of threeold lanes, four old castles, fiveancestral halls and a long streetof five kilometers, covering a11area of l5oOOO square me-ters. Its style of Ming and QingDynasty can be recognized fromthe imposing facade, the compactlayout, the pallicular struetureand the excellent materials.Walking into the Wangs’Compound is like entering intothe palace of the five thousandhistory of chinese art. The earefalness and preeiseness of Confucianist, the sacred state ofBuddhism and the Daoist idea ofletting things take their owncowrse can be all found such asthe authentic work of Lioyong’scalligraphy, the couplet writtenby Fushan, as well as the figure and landscape painaings ofTangYin can also be appreciatedin this eompound, All these incisively and here. Besides, arttreasures vividly indicate thefamily’s powerfulness and tastfulness.Incorpofating the characteristics of houses of businessman officials and civilians, the conlpound of Wang’s is questionlessthe museum of civilian architecture in the chinese historv.
The compound of Wang'sfaInily is situated at the foot ofMian Mountain in Mid - ShanxiPreacture. It was once the residence of the most powerful family of wealth - - the Wangfamily in Ming and Qing Dynasty, It is composed of threeold lanes, four old castles, fiveancestral halls and a long streetof five kilometers, covering a11area of l5oOOO square me-ters. Its style of Ming and QingDynasty can be recognized fromthe imposing facade, the compactlayout, the pallicular struetureand the excellent materials.Walking into the Wangs'Compound is like entering intothe palace of the five thousandhistory of chinese art. The earefalness and preeiseness of Confucianist, the sacred state ofBuddhism and the Daoist idea ofletting things take their owncowrse can be all found such asthe authentic work of Lioyong'scalligraphy, the couplet writtenby Fushan, as well as the figure and landscape painaings ofTangYin can also be appreciatedin this eompound, All these incisively and here. Besides, arttreasures vividly indicate thefamily's powerfulness and tastfulness.Incorpofating the characteristics of houses of businessman officials and civilians, the conlpound of Wang's is questionlessthe museum of civilian architecture in the chinese historv.
Shanxi Today