通过对毛丛直径形态的分析和研究来达到以下两个目的 :一是了解羊毛在生长过程中毛丛中纤维细度的变化和原因 ,为羊毛生产者在育种和改进羊群管理方面提供一些科学试验依据 ;二是根据毛丛直径形态的特征 ,结合强力和断裂位置等原毛指标 ,来分析和判断在毛条加工过程中毛条的质量情况 ,如毛条中纤维的长度和长度分布等 ,来指导羊毛加工和生产。
This paper presents part of studies of ACIAR Project AS1/1997/070,one of collaborative wool projects between China and Australia,which it studies the staple diameter profiling on the domestic wool during wool growth and offers help for woolgrowers with understanding of the reason of the variation of fibre diameter and with guidance of sheep breeding and farm management based on some testing results. The other purpose is to help wool manufacturers with understanding of the performance of top-making and resultant top properties such as Hauteur length and fibre length distribution etc based on the knowledge of staple diameter profiling together with staple strength and position of staple break.
China Herbivores
中国和印度毛纤维规格与纺纱加工过程预测技术开发项目 (ACIARProjectAS1 1 997 0 70 )
澳大利亚农业研究中心 (ACIAR)
澳大利亚联邦科学工业研究组织羊毛研究所 (CSIRO)的资助。