本研究以目前国内现代化设施园艺生产水平较高的上海都市绿色工程有限公司设施园艺示范基地 1hm2 温室蔬菜的生产为例 ,与目前现代化设施园艺产品市场竞争力最强的荷兰温室产业在成本、质量和市场营销等各方面进行了比较。研究结果表明 ,中国现代化设施园艺生产机构的成本优势明显。单位面积成本仅为荷兰的 38.1 %。目前在单位面积产量仅为荷兰 6 5 %的情况下 ,单位产品成本仍仅为荷兰的 5 9%左右。在未来产量提高的可能情况下 ,市场竞争力将更强。但分析表明 ,产品洁净安全、质量优异才是荷兰设施园艺产品竞争力强的主要原因。然而 ,由于长期以来中国对园艺产品注重数量管理 ,轻视质量管理 ,园艺产品的有害物残留量偏高 ,中国园艺产品在国际和国内市场的信誉较差。安全和质量问题成为中国现代化设施园艺产品提高市场竞争力的最大障碍。本文还对中国的设施园艺产品价格与国际市场进行了比较 ,国内市场价格仅是国际市场的1 / 4~ 1 / 5。中国现代化设施园艺生产机构如欲提高市场竞争力和获利能力 ,就必须参与国际竞争。建议中国现代化设施园艺生产机构加强质量管理 ,提高产品质量 ,通过第三方质量体系认证以向顾客信服地提供安全、洁净。
Advanced protected horticultural production organizations (e.g. advanced greenhouse farm) have been paid attention to as the representatives of modern agriculture. But the profit returns of these organizations were not satisfied by the investors in China. The methods and measures to improve marketing competitiveness of these organizations are required urgently. The main factors of marketing competitiveness including cost, quality and marketing ability were compared between the Chinese and the Dutch greenhouse vegetable producers considered as having the most marketing competitiveness in this field. The result of this study indicated that the Chinese organization had the lower cost per unit area, and the per product cost was only about 59% of the Dutch's even under the yield per unit area being 65% of the Dutch's. But the analysis showed that the key marketing competitiveness for the Dutch organizations was the high quality and safety of products. Unfortunately, there is a big gap in the quality management and marketing model between China and the Netherlands. The hazard residues in horticultural products from China were relatively high both in domestic markets and international markets. This was a result of paying attention to quantity management but ignoring quality management for horticultural products in China. The result also showed that the price of the protected horticultural products in China is only 1/4~1/5 of the price in the international market. The protectedhorticultural products from China have comparative advantage in cost and price. But improving quality, providing safety, clean and healthy products to customers convincingly, is the most important way to improve marketing competitiveness of these products.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
"十五"国家重点科技攻关课题"现代大型温室标准化栽培技术体系研究与产业化示范" ( 2 0 0 1BA5 0 3B0 5 )资助