结合实际对《军队医院护理质量主要评价指标》进行了补充和完善 ,使之能从宏观上全面反映医院护理质量达标情况 ,从微观上具体反映各临床科室护理质量达标程度及名次排列 ,使护理质量管理更具针对性。在此基础上研制了《护理质量综合评价》软件 ,经 1年多的应用 ,取得了良好的成效。
The article suggested some supplements to the main assessment standards of nursing quality in military Hospitals, enabling it to reflect from a macro level the comprehensive nursing quality, and from a micro level the extent of exact qualifications of clinical departments. Based on their research, the authors implemented a self developed software system called Comprehensive Assessment of Nursing Quality, which has effected very positive results.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army