
Long-term Safety Observations on Side Effects and Com -plications of Non-surgical Sterilization by Chem ical In-stillation of the Fallopian Tubal 被引量:1

Long-term Safety Observations on Side Effects and Com - plications of Non-surgical Sterilization by Chem ical In- stillation of the Fallopian Tubal
摘要 The present objective is to observe the side effects and complications of fem ale tubalsterilization by phenol-atabrinepaste (PAP) and phenolm ucilage (PM). 1 705 eligible w om en w ere divided random ly into tw o groups, 871 usinig PAP and 834 w om en using PM. Results: Thefeverratesw ere8.0and 4.4( P< 0.01 ) respec- tively in group PAP and group PM. Infection rates of the appendages w ere 2.3 and 1.2 respectively. The incidence of chem ical peritonitis, w ithin the lim its of pelvic cavity, w ere 1.1and 2.4respectively. Perforation of uterus, pelvic ab- scessand ectopicpregnancy w ere notfound during thisobservation. Slightabdom inal pain after the proceduresw ere 33.6and 30.8respectively. Slightvaginalbleed- ing after the procedure w as 23.2 and 18.0 respectively. Menstruation of the w om en w as not affected by the instillation. This five-year follow -up study neither show ed a positivePap testnor a potentialdeseasecaused by thesterilizing agents. This technique isa safe and efficientm ethod for fem ale sterilization. The present objective is to observe the side effects and complications of fem ale tubalsterilization by phenol-atabrinepaste (PAP) and phenolm ucilage (PM). 1 705 eligible w om en w ere divided random ly into tw o groups, 871 usinig PAP and 834 w om en using PM. Results: Thefeverratesw ere8.0and 4.4( P< 0.01 ) respec- tively in group PAP and group PM. Infection rates of the appendages w ere 2.3 and 1.2 respectively. The incidence of chem ical peritonitis, w ithin the lim its of pelvic cavity, w ere 1.1and 2.4respectively. Perforation of uterus, pelvic ab- scessand ectopicpregnancy w ere notfound during thisobservation. Slightabdom inal pain after the proceduresw ere 33.6and 30.8respectively. Slightvaginalbleed- ing after the procedure w as 23.2 and 18.0 respectively. Menstruation of the w om en w as not affected by the instillation. This five-year follow -up study neither show ed a positivePap testnor a potentialdeseasecaused by thesterilizing agents. This technique isa safe and efficientm ethod for fem ale sterilization.
出处 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 1999年第1期18-26,共9页 生殖与避孕(英文版)
关键词 Fem ale tube sterilization by chem icalinstillation Phenol-atabrine paste (PAP) Phenolm ucilage(PM) Multi-center random ized clinicaltrial Side-effectand com plication Fem ale tube sterilization by chem icalinstillation, Phenol-atabrine paste (PAP), Phenolm ucilage(PM), Multi-center random ized clinicaltrial, Side-effectand com plication
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