
Choice and Changes of Contraceptive Methods after Primiparous Delivery in Shanghai

Choice and Changes of Contraceptive Methods after Prim iparous Delivery in Shanghai
摘要 Totally, 3 701 prim iparousw om en in Shanghaiw ere follow ed up for 15 m onths after delivery to assess their initialand subsequent changes in choice of contraceptive m ethods. Results show ed that 15 m onths after delivery, 95.46of w om en had al- ready used a contraceptive m ethod. The leading firstchoice of contraceptive m ethods am ong urban w om en w asthe condom (50.72) or IUD(29.09), w hile the leading firstchoice am ong ruralw om en w asIUD(56.65) or the condom (30.60). Within 15 m onths after delivery, w om en w hose first choice had been the condom tended to sw itch usually to an IUD. Butfew er w om en w hosefirstm ethod w asan IUD sw itched to other m ethods. Atthe 15th m onth follow -up, 94.54of w om en w ere all using a m ethod, w ith 60.76of urban w om en and 71.07of rural w om en using IUDs. Multinom inal logistic regression analysis suggests that w om en's characteristics influ- ence the choice of m ethods. Urban, w ell-educated w om en w ere m ore likely to choose condom and rhythm , and lesslikely to chooseOC. Older w om en tended to use condom and rhythm m ore often than younger w om en. Breastfeeding w om en w ere lesslikely to use OC. Wom en w ho received recom m endations regarding postpartum contraception from fam ily planning w orkers w ere m ore likely to use IUD. It w as concluded that fam ily planning w orkers should increase w om en's aw areness of the advantages and disadvantagesof differentm ethods, dispelmythsand rum orsaboutsom em ethodsand improve w om en'sknow ledge of inform ed choice. Totally, 3 701 prim iparousw om en in Shanghaiw ere follow ed up for 15 m onths after delivery to assess their initialand subsequent changes in choice of contraceptive m ethods. Results show ed that 15 m onths after delivery, 95.46of w om en had al- ready used a contraceptive m ethod. The leading firstchoice of contraceptive m ethods am ong urban w om en w asthe condom (50.72) or IUD(29.09), w hile the leading firstchoice am ong ruralw om en w asIUD(56.65) or the condom (30.60). Within 15 m onths after delivery, w om en w hose first choice had been the condom tended to sw itch usually to an IUD. Butfew er w om en w hosefirstm ethod w asan IUD sw itched to other m ethods. Atthe 15th m onth follow -up, 94.54of w om en w ere all using a m ethod, w ith 60.76of urban w om en and 71.07of rural w om en using IUDs. Multinom inal logistic regression analysis suggests that w om en's characteristics influ- ence the choice of m ethods. Urban, w ell-educated w om en w ere m ore likely to choose condom and rhythm , and lesslikely to chooseOC. Older w om en tended to use condom and rhythm m ore often than younger w om en. Breastfeeding w om en w ere lesslikely to use OC. Wom en w ho received recom m endations regarding postpartum contraception from fam ily planning w orkers w ere m ore likely to use IUD. It w as concluded that fam ily planning w orkers should increase w om en's aw areness of the advantages and disadvantagesof differentm ethods, dispelmythsand rum orsaboutsom em ethodsand improve w om en'sknow ledge of inform ed choice.
出处 《Journal of Reproduction and Contraception》 CAS 1999年第1期40-48,共9页 生殖与避孕(英文版)
关键词 Contraceptive m ethod choice Contraceptive m ethod switching Multi- nom inallogistic regression Contraceptive m ethod choice, Contraceptive m ethod switching, Multi- nom inallogistic regression
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