采用扦插繁殖的方法 ,对东北红豆杉不同群体之间的插穗生根率、每穗生根条数、最长根长进行了研究。结果表明 :三者之间均存在极显著差异。群体内插穗生根能力的变异幅度与群体间相同。插穗生根率、每穗根条数、最长根长三者之间存在着显著或极显著的相关性。以腐殖土为扦插基质、提高插床温度 (2 0~ 2 3℃ )、生长调节物质处理等可提高插穗生根率。不同插穗类型之间 ,插穗生根率无显著差异 ,3、4年生枝条扦插后 ,根系发达 。
Tang Xiaojie(Fo restry College of Beihua University); Shen Xihuan(Beijing Forestry University)The rooting rate, root number and the longest root’s length of cuttings fr om different populations of T. cuspidata were studied by the method of propa gation by cuttings. The result showed that there were significant differences be tween these three indexes. And there was the same variance range of rooting abil ity (such as rooting rate, number and length) for cuttings both from inter-popul ation and intra-populations. There were significant positive correlations betwee n rooting rate, roots number and length of the longest root. Rooting rate could be raised if cuttings were planted in vegetable mould or on warming bed (20~23 ℃ ). Growth-stimulating substance could also raise rooting rate of cuttings. There was no significant difference of rooting percentage among different kinds of cu ttings. The cuttings cut from 3 or 4-year-old branch had developed root system a nd higher rate of viability.
Journal of Northeast Forestry University