白刺是野生灌木 ,抗性强 ,能够在重盐碱地上生长。选择白刺在黄河三角洲重盐碱地上进行了造林及其对土壤改良效果的研究。结果表明重盐碱地段栽植白刺后 ,植被覆盖率有了很大提高 ,土壤迅速脱盐 ,造林 5年后 0~ 2 0cm土层土壤含盐量显著降低 ,而土壤容重则显著减小 ,起到了疏松土壤的作用。此外 ,白刺的生长还能有效地提高土壤肥力 ,使得 0~ 2 0cm土层土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷、有效氮含量有了很大提高 ,起到了改善土壤性状培肥地力的良好效果。
Nitraria sibirica is one kind of wild scrub with stronger resistance to sali nity, so it can grow on heavy saline-alkali soils. The research on N. sibirica afforestation and its effect on soil amelioration in Yellow River Delta regio n were conducted. The result showed that the plant coverage significantly increa sed, and the desalting effect of Nitraria sibirica on soil was very evident after afforestation of N. sibirica on heavy saline-alkali soils. Salt concen tration in the soil layer of 20 cm in depth declined and soil volume weight dec reased, which demonstrated that the soil conditions were improved after afforest ation for five years. Moreover the stand establishment enhanced soil fertilizati on; thereby the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and effective nitrogen in the soil layer of 20 cm in depth were raised. Soil p hysic-chemical characters were ameliorated due to N. sibirica of forestation .
Journal of Northeast Forestry University
国家林业局攻关项目(971 8)和山东省重大项目 ( 0 1 1 1 50 1 0 6 )