
20世纪上半叶西方学者对中国水土保持事业的促进 被引量:8

The Western Scholars' Promotion to the Soil and Water Conservation of China in the First Half of 20th Century
摘要 20世纪早期,西方植物采集者梅耶、植物学考察者史密斯、林学家罗德民和肖记述了华北毁林垦荒的严重后果。森林破坏不仅导致土壤侵蚀加速和土壤肥力下降,而且导致连年的洪涝灾害。他们的文章引起国内外的普遍关注,尤其是罗德民在山西、陕西和河南的研究工作对我国水土保持事业的形成有直接的促进作用。受上述学者工作的巨大影响,我国学者开始进行一系列卓有成效的水土保持实验、水源林保护和“三北”防护林带的建设规划工作,1945年成立了中国水土保持协会。 In the early period of 20th century, the western plant hunter F. Mayer, botanical explorer H. Smith, foresters Norman Shaw and W. C. Lowdermilk had noted the terrible results of deforestation in the mountains and hills of northern China by slope cultivation. Deforestation led not only excessive erosion and soil degradation, but also destructive flooding and drought annually. Their writings had aroused the general attention in China and abroad, especially Lowdermilk ' s studies which were at work in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan had directly promoted the foundation of soil and water conservation in China. As their works had exerted tremendous influence in Chinese academic circle, Chinese scholars began to carry out a series of remarkable works about experiment of soil and water conservation, forest protection of water-head as well as project of establishment for shelterbelt forest in order to reduce wind erosion and to conserve soil moisture in 'three North' and so on. Eventually they founded Chinese Soil and Water Conservation Association in 1945.
作者 罗桂环
出处 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 2003年第3期106-110,共5页 Science of Soil and Water Conservation
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