目的 了解广西南宁市大学生艾滋病知识、态度及行为状况。方法 采用整群随机抽样的方法抽取 3所高校的 799名学生 ,女生 42 6名 ,男生 3 73名 ,年龄在 1 6~ 2 3岁 ,进行问卷调查。结果 学生对艾滋病三大主要传播途径知识的答对率超过 90 % ,但对蚊虫叮咬不传播艾滋病、正确使用安全套可以预防艾滋病等知识答对率较低。 96 5 %的学生认为在学校开展艾滋病健康教育很必要 ,大部分学生认为医生应为艾滋病病人保密 ,并愿意与他们一起学习和工作。大学生艾滋病知识的主要来源是报刊杂志、电视、广播、朋友 /同学。结论 南宁市大学新生的艾滋病知识水平与广州相当 ,比北京新生低 。
Objective To understand the KAP about AIDS among the college students in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 799 freshmen, 373 males (46 68%) and 426 females (53 32%), aged 16 5 (16~23 years) of 3 colleges, by randomized cluster sampling in November 2002 Results The correct answer rates of most relevant questions were all over 90% However, the correct answer rates of the possibility of transmission by mosquito bite, the fact that STD patients are easier to catch HIV infection, and the possibility to prevent AIDS by correct use of condom were rather low (18 3%~43 9%) Majority of the students considered it necessary to carry out AIDS health education in colleges and keep confidentiality for people with AIDS, and expressed their willingness to study and live together with people with AIDS They got the relevant information mainly from periodicals, TV, radio, and friend and classmates Conclusion The correct answer rates of questions about AIDS among the freshmen in Nanning are similar to those among the college students of Guangzhou, and lower than those of the college student in Beijing, There are still some misconceptions about AIDS
Chinese Journal of Health Education