目的 调查对矿区居民开展预防艾滋病 /性传播疾病同伴教育的效果。方法 以自愿报名的方式选取山西省大同市永定庄矿区矿工 2 5名 ,均为男性 ,平均年龄为 3 4 0± 8 3岁 ;矿工家属 2 5名 ,均为女性 ,平均年龄为 46 8± 1 1 7岁。在矿工组和矿工家属组中各随机抽取 1名作为同伴教育者进行培训。培训合格的同伴教育者以不同的形式对其余 2 4名同伴进行 1个小时的教育。于教育前和教育后 1周对每组的 2 4名同伴就艾滋病/性传播疾病的知、信、行做问卷调查。并于 1周后按单纯随机抽样方法在每组选取 8人分别进行访谈。结果 在同伴教育者中 ,关于艾滋病 /性传播疾病的一般知识答对率培训前为 2 6 4% ,培训后为 77 6% ;关于传播途径 ,培训前为 2 3 2 % ,培训后为 90 8% ;关于相关的预防措施 ,培训前为 3 5 4% ,培训后为 74 9%。所有的同伴教育者认为艾滋病 /性传播疾病健康教育是必要的 ,同伴教育是一种有效的方式。结论 在矿工及其家属中开展艾滋病
Objective To investigate the effectiveness of peer education on AIDS/STD among the residents in mining area Methods 25 miners, all males, aged 34 0±8 3 years,and 25 family members of miners, all females, aged 46 8±11 7 years in Yongdingzhuang Mining Area, Datong, Shanxi Province, were selected as subjects by signing up voluntarily One out of the 25 miners and one out of the 25 family members were selected by random sampling to be trained on AIDS/STD prevention as peer educators The qualified peer educators were to educate their 24 peers in different forms for one hour Before and 1 week after the peer education, a questionnaire survey of the KAP about AIDS/STD was conducted among the 24 miners and 24 family members who had received peer education Eight miners and 8 family members were selected by simple random sampling to be subject to focus group discussion one week after the peer education Results Among the peer educators the correct answer rate of the general knowledge about AIDS/STD was 26 4% before training and was 77 6% after training, the correct answer rate of the transmission routes was 23 2% before training and was 90 8% after training, and the correct answer rate of the prevention was 35 4% before training and was 74 9% after training (all P<0 01) All of the respondents considered health education on AIDS/STD was necessary and peer education was a good method Conclusion Peer education is effective in AIDS/STD education among miners and their family members
Chinese Journal of Health Education