
目标二维RCS成像仿真与实验研究 被引量:1

Simulation and Experimental Studies on Two-Dimentional Radar Cross Section Imaging of Object
摘要 对目标开展了二维RCS成像仿真与实验研究,分别采用SBR方法与解析方法计算目标的散射特性并提取相应的二维RCS成像信息,基于时域加窗技术对采样信号进行加权处理抑制旁瓣电平以提高成像质量,通过Cross-Range处理方法获取目标二维RCS成像结果以表征目标散射的强弱分布,设计了斜置平板以及3个小球这两个典型案例,展开相应的二维RCS成像仿真与实验分析研究。结果表明:二维RCS成像仿真结果与测试结果吻合良好,有效验证了二维RCS成像仿真方法的有效性。 The simulation and experiment studies on two-dimensional Radar Cross-Section( RCS) imaging of objects are given in the paper. The shooting and bouncing rays( SBR) method and analytical method are respectively adopted to compute the scattering data necessary for two-dimensional imaging. Imaging qualities are improved by constraining the side lobe level via using time-domain-windowing weighing technology to process the sample signal data. Cross-Range processing method is used to obtain two-dimensional RCS visual images to denote the scattering distribution of objects. Two typical twodimensional RCS imaging examples,including metal sideling plate and three metal balls,are both studied and analyzed by simulation and experiment methods. The simulation results are compared with experimental results in the paper. The contrastive results demonstrate that the simulation results of two-dimensional RCS imaging agree well with the experimental results.And the two-dimensional RCS imaging method introduced in the paper are also validated effectively.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期78-81,87,共5页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 航空科学基金资助课题(20132053026)
关键词 弹跳射线法(SBR) 二维RCS成像 Cross-Range处理 shooting and bouncing rays(SBR) two-dimensional RCS imaging cross-range processing
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