
一种带有温度补偿特性的模拟预失真线性化器 被引量:1

An Analog Pre-distortion Linearizer with Temperature Compensation
摘要 本文研制了一款用于毫米波频段,且具有温度补偿功能的模拟预失真器,该预失真器基于3d B电桥、肖特基二极管、微带线和偏置电阻,在外加直流偏置的情况下,产生预失真信号。我们理论分析了线性化器的温度响应并提出一种简单有效的补偿技术。该补偿技术通过调节控制二极管的偏压使其等效电阻不随温度变化,从而实现预失真器的温度补偿。通过ADS软件对该预失真器进行仿真,仿真结果表明,在-20°C到+130°C的变化范围内,该预失真器可提供6.5d B的增益扩张和50°的相位扩张,且随温度变化增益与相位变化小于0.5d B和5°。 This letter presents an analog pre-distortion linearizer with temperature compensation operating at microwave frequency. It is composed of a 3d B hybrid coupler, Schottky diodes, microstrips and the load resistances which generate the distorted signal. We have theoretically analyzed the temperature behavior of the linearizer and proposed a simple but effective temperature compensation technique. The proposed temperature compensation technique provides temperature dependent control bias to the diodes to achieve temperature invariant amplitude and phase expansion of the linearizer. The pre-distortion linearizer was optimized and simulated by ADS software. Here simulation results of a temperature compensated linearizer is presented that compensates amplitude and phase variation from 6.5d B and 50°to less than 0.5d B and 5°, respectively, over a temperature range of-20°C to +130°C.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S2期337-339,共3页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 中央高校基本科研基金(A03011023801006002)
关键词 肖特基二极管 模拟预失真 温度补偿 增益扩张 相位扩张 Schottky diode analog pre-distortion linearizer temperature compensation expansion of gain and phase
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