我国反腐败斗争最突出的缺陷就是道德化倾向对反腐败的干扰 ,它有多种表现 ;它的产生有其独特的思想根源和现实根源 ,因而我国的反腐败斗争必须确立以下三项基本原则 :即“人民广泛参与”原则、“法治”原则和“确立公仆意识”原则。
The main defect of the struggle against corruption in our country is the interference of ethic tendency to fight against corruption.Ethic tendeney has many forms of expression.And its production has its special ideological root-cause and realistic root-cause.Therefore,the following three basic principles must be established,that is,the principle of the wide participation of people,the prlnciple of ruling the country by law and the principle of establishing consciousness of public servants.
Journal of Shayang Teachers College