IFA200(Intelligent Flow Analyzer)是美国TSI公司生产的多通道数字化仪。本文介绍用IBM-PC和IFA200以及相应的接口TSI6260/6265组成的并行多通道高速DMA数据采集系统,并分析了该系统的IFA200的基本结构、接口电路的工作原理和IBM-PC的DMA技术,最后给出了在IBM-PC上DMA数据采集的软件设计原理。
The IFA-200 (Intelligent Flow Analyzer)is a multichannel digitizer developed by TSI Inc. As main components of a DMA high speed data acquisition system, the IFA-200 and a TSI 6260/6265 interface card between IBM-PC and the IFA-200 are introduced by showing their structures, and by explaining how they work with asynchronous communication adapter and the DMA controller in IBM-PO. In the last part of this paper, we present the methods of programming related to acquiring data via this ststem.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing