社区医疗是医疗卫生事业发展的一个方向 ,社区医疗这一新兴模式在我国医疗保健事业的发展中正在显示出越来越强大的生命力 ,为了使它科学、合理、快速成长并有效发挥作用 ,更好地为全社会服务 ,我们对社区医疗保健机构的设立、人员构成及要求、必备设施与条件、服务对象、工作机制、财务运作、发展目标等方面作了一些探讨。同时发现国际旅行卫生保健部门是做好社区医疗保健服务的一支重要力量。首先它具有得天独厚的优越条件 ,不管是人员素质、规模设施及设备 ,还是较为齐全的服务功能与灵敏的保健信息咨询体系、广泛的联络协作机制都能满足社区居民医疗保健的基本需要。
Community medicine is a direction of medical healthcare work.Community medicine -a new developing model-is showing more and more great vitality in our country.In order to make it develop scientifically,reasonably,quickly and serve the whole society better,we did some probe and consideration on its establishment、work staffs、necessary facilities、service scope、work mechanism、cash management and developing destination,found that international travel healthcare agency is vital to doing community medical healthcare work better.The unique ready conditions,including staffs、facilities and equipments、various service functions、nimble information system and widely liaison net,can satisfy its requirements.At the same time,the international travel healthcare agency can make itself develop better by practicing community medical healthcare work.
Port Health Control