目的 了解中毒的特点和发生规律 ,为制定中毒的干预措施提供科学依据。方法 采用前瞻性研究方法 ,设计调查表 ,调查 2 0 0 1年 7月 1日~ 2 0 0 2年 6月 3 0日汝阳县人民医院急诊科接诊的中毒患者。结果 共收治急性中毒 1 6 6例 ,女性 88例 ,男性 78例 ,男、女性别之比为 1 :1 1 3 ;其中 86 1 4 %通过消化道中毒 ;3 6 1 4 %的中毒意图是自杀 ;1 5~ 4 4岁是中毒的高发人群 ,占 5 4 89%;职业分布中农民排在首位 ,占 5 6 75 %;主要中毒类型是农药中毒 ,占 5 3 0 1 %;只有 6 0 2 %的中毒病人在中毒后 3 0min内送到医院救治 ;药物中毒和农药中毒的自杀率较高 ,分别占 78 95 %和 4 3 1 9%。结论 建立急性中毒的监测体系 ,制定中毒的预防和控制策略十分必要。
Objective To find out the characteristics and the regulations of poisoning and provide scientific interfere measures.Methods With research methods and investigation tables,all the poisoning cases treated in the People's Hospital of Ruyang County were investigated from July 1,2001 to June 30,2002.Results Among the total of 166 acute poisoning cases,88 were female,78 male,and the female:male ratio was 1∶1.33.Eighty-six point fourteen per cent of the cases were poisoned through digestive tract,and 36.14% were poinsoned for suicide purpose.The rate of the poisoning cases aged from 15 to 44 was high (54.89%).Among the people of all occupations,farmers were mostly poisoned (56.75%),mainly poisoned with agricultural chemicals (53.01%),and only 6.02% of the cases were taken to hospital.The suicide rate with agricultural chemicals and other drugs was much higher (78.95%~43.19%).Conclusions It is necessary to set up a supervisory system of acute poisoning and preventive and control methods.
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers
国家科技部 2 0 0 0年度科技基础性工作专项资金项目资助 (我国常见毒物数据库及中毒伤害谱调查 )