目的 观察含羟基喜树碱 (HCPT)的联合化疗方案治疗胃癌的疗效。方法 3 4例胃癌患者采用拓喜(HCPT)加顺铂 (DDP)加 5氟尿嘧啶 ( 5 Fu)加醛氢叶酸钙 (LF)方案进行治疗。结果 完全缓解 (CR) 2例 ,部分缓解(PR) 1 2例 ,有效率 4 1 2 %,毒副反应以骨髓抑制 (白细胞下降 )及消化道反应为重。结论 HCPT +DLF方案治疗胃癌疗效较好 ,毒副反应轻。
Objective To study the therapeutic effects of Hydroxycampothecine(HCPT) combined with chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer.Methods Thirty-four patients with advanced gastric cancer were treated with HCPT and DLF regimen.Results There were two cases of CR,twelve PR.The total response rate was 41.2%.The major side-effects were depression of bone marrow(WBC↓) and gastrointestinal symptoms and these could be tolerated by the patients. Conclusions HCPT combined with chemotherapy for advanced gastric cancer has better effects and is worth of further study.
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers