It is a very important problem whether CISG will apply to Hong Kong SAR after its return.The Chinese note of 20 June 1997 to the UN Secretary General doesn’t effectively clarify and settle this problem.In practice,CISG has been applied to sale of goods contracts between parties one of which has its place of business in Hong Kong SAR in various ways.Under CISG § 93,China has not made such strictly effective declaration until now,and CISG should apply to Hong Kong SAR.However,there arise serious differences and obvious inconsistency among doctrines and cases in different jurisdictions or even in the same jurisdiction.Such divergence has done harm to the unification of international sale of goods law,and it also hannful to the prosperity and development of Hong Kong SAR’s foreign trade.After consulting Hong Kong SAR government,Chinese government should make unambiguous declaration strictly conforming to CISG §93, expressing its intentwhether CISG should apply to Hong Kong SAR.Considering Hong Kong plays a very important pole in world trade and most of its trade partners have become the Parties to CISG,it is wise for China to extend the application CISG to Hong Kong SAR.In addition,due to more and more increasing trade relations and legal differences between China's Mainland and Hong Kong SAR,Central Chinese government and Hong Kong SAR government should make creative arrangement so that CISG can apply to Hong Kong SAR.
Wuhan University International Law Review