

Space Security under the Haze of Space Warfare and International Law
摘要 自苏联向太空发射第一颗人造地球卫星以来,太空科技大多具有军民两用的属性。为了开展军备竞赛,冷战期间的美苏两个超级大国从一开始就在其各自的太空探索活动中注入了军事利用的目的。另外,目前唯一一份调整人类和平利用太空的国际多边公约——1967年《外空条约》实际也是美苏集团争霸的妥协产物,在一定程度上,该条约为太空军事化预留了一定的法律空间。因此,无论是从太空科技的角度,还是从国际政治的角度,抑或是从国际法的角度,太空军事化似乎已经是一个既成事实。正是在这种情况下,让人深感忧虑的是,太空军事化引发的太空武器化也已经在太空大国之间悄然展开,进而,太空战这一威胁到人类社会和平与安全的新的作战样式似乎也在向我们逐步逼近。在这种情况下,我们不得不高度重视国际太空安全问题,因为其实际已经深刻影响到人类对太空的和平探索与可持续利用,也关乎国际社会的整体和平与安全。 Since the former Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into an elliptical low earth orbit on October 4,1957,most space technologies of the research and development are increasingly based on "dual-use" requirements for both civilian and military users.During the Cold War,in order to carry out the arms race,from the outset,the space exploration of the two- superpowers has important military applications.In addition,to a certain extent,an international multilateral convention concerning the peaceful use of outer space for mankind—the Outer Space Treaty was the result of SovietU.S.’s compromise in the contention for hegemony.Therefore,the Outer Space Treaty has reserved some legal space for the militarization of outer space,and the militarization of outer space seems to have been a fait accompli.It is in this case,people are deeply worried that the militarization of space has led to the start of the weaponization of space,and to make matters worse,the space warfare is approaching.In this case,we have to attach great importance to the international space security problem,because it actually has a profound impact not only on the human exploration of space,but also on the overall peace and security of the international community.
作者 李伯军
出处 《武大国际法评论》 CSSCI 2014年第2期21-45,共25页 Wuhan University International Law Review
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“全球安全基本法律问题研究”(项目批准号:12JJD820004)之子课题“国际安全与国际法传统部门”的阶段性研究成果
关键词 太空军事化 太空武器化 太空战 太空安全 国际法 militarization of space weaponization of space space warfare space security international law
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