
论第三方出资下商事仲裁披露义务规则之完善 被引量:13

Research on the Disclosure Rule in Commercial Arbitration Funded by A Third Party
摘要 当事人通过第三方资助进行商事仲裁,是近年来商事仲裁领域出现的新趋势。第三方资助者通过提供仲裁的必要费用,来换取一定比例的当事人胜诉时所能取得的收益。通常这些与仲裁员可能存在关联关系的专业融资公司并不是仲裁的当事方也与仲裁的实体事项没有任何关系,但又同仲裁的裁决结果有着直接的经济利益关联。与传统的利益冲突关系相比,第三方出资关系具有更高的隐蔽性和更大的经济关联性。各主要仲裁机构的现行仲裁规则都存在着对于披露义务的规定过于宽泛和模糊,披露主体过窄的问题。在实践中不利于仲裁员和当事入主动披露第三方出资的相关信息。因此有必要准确地界定第三方出资介入商事仲裁时的相关披露义务,要求当事人承担一定的披露义务,以确保第三方出资介入下的商事仲裁程序依然能保持高效与公正。 Recently,there is a new trend in arbitration that one or both parties seek to resolve disputes through arbitration by using third party funding.The third party funder would provide the necessary cost to parties in exchange for a percentage share of the arbitral award.Generally,these funders who have close relationship with law firms didn’t have direct connection with arbitration proceeding,while they have a great economic interests for the award usually.Comparing with general circumstances of conflicts of interest,the conflicts of interest related to third party funding would more concealed and influenced.The arbitration rules of main International arbitration institutions didn’t identify the obligation of disclosure clearly and didn’t require duty of party to disclose.In practice,the obligation to disclose the relationship of third party funding in arbitration might be neglected under these rules.Therefore,the arbitral rule should be altered to identify the role of third party funding in arbitration and require a party to disclose the related fact to assure the justice and efficiency in commercial arbitration.
作者 丁汉韬
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《武大国际法评论》 CSSCI 2016年第2期220-235,共16页 Wuhan University International Law Review
关键词 第三方出资 披露义务 利益冲突 公正性 独立性 Third Party Funding Obligation to Disclose Conflicts of Interest Independence Impartiality
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