Recent years, the strategic position and the strategic value of South China Sea become important gradually. All neighboring countries fight for South China Sea, which becomes very intense. Establishing national laws to enhance marine strategies and promote the globalization and legalization of problems about South China Sea, which is an important change of the strategy of South China Sea in Vietnam recently. Vietnam has the perseverance of original policies and also has new directions and adjustments during the process of legalization for marine sovereignty. This article summarizes the process of legalization for marine sovereignty in Vietnam and analyzes some influences on South China Sea tensions between Vietnam and China. At the same time, China should improve domestic laws about marine and also promotes the reconstruction of international marine system; insists dialogue mechanism. These methods could face some challenges about disputes between China and Vietnam from the legalization for marine sovereignty in Vietnam. Furthermore, these methods protect sovereignty of China in South China Sea; and fight for the peaceful Threatment to resolve relevant disputes to the most extent.
Wuhan University International Law Review
Sino Vietnamese Relations
the South China Sea
maritime sovereignty
Vietnam Maritime Law
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea