In international civil litigation, the court shall apply rules of conflict law in which the court locates, so whether or not the court respect contracting parties' explicit choice of the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as governing law may depend on whether the applicable conflict law rules allow for the choice of non-state law as governing law of international commercial contract. Though the new EU regulation excludes non-state law from scope of party autonomy and almost no state law expressly allows non-state law, such as UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, to be chosen as governing law of international commercial contract by contracting parties, Article 3 of Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts provides that rules of law that are generally accepted on an international, supranational or regional level as a neutral and balanced set of rules may be chosen by the parties. International common practice is to integrate UNIDROIT Principles explicitly chosen as governing law by contracting parties into the contract. Chinese domestic law has no provision to confine governing law expressly chosen by contract parties to state law, nor hasprovision about the choice of international custom as governing law by parties. Chinese courts Threat such choices diversely. The article argues to deem UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts as international usage, and calls for judicial interpretation to indirectly define the scope of 'law'among which contracting parties can choose governing law of their contracts by clearing states the sources of law choice. The expected judicial interpretation shall allow contracting parties to choose international usage generally accepted as neutral and balanced set of rules to be governing law of their international commercial contract.
Wuhan University International Law Review
party autonomy
governing law
UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts
international usage