Targeted dumping is the exception of Article 2.4.2 of the Anti-dumping Agreement. In the US-Washing Machines case, both the Panel Report and the Appellate Body Report ruled that 'zeroing'under weight-average to transaction method applied by the US after the determination of targeted dumping was inconsistent with WTO rules. This is the very first time that the Appellate Body determined the inconsistency of this calculation method with WTO rules.However, one of the Appellate Body members expressed his dissenting opinion which, in our view, is not a reasonable explanation of Article 2.4.2. In contrast, the majority opinion provides a more rational analysis of WTO targeted dumping rules, which also meets the requirements of safeguarding consistency and predictability of jurisdiction within the WTO Dispute Settlement System. It is abnormal that the US frequently made determinations of targeted dumping during recent antidumping investigations, and we believe that this is the US's strategic choice to cover the application of 'zeroing'. Last but not least, discussions about targeted dumping may not end,so China should strengthen its research of the US targeted dumping test.
Wuhan University International Law Review
targeted dumping
calculation of dumping margin
weight-average to transaction method
methodolofy of zeroing