
国际投资仲裁程序规则中的缔约国条约解释机制研究 被引量:6

State Parties' Treaty Interpretation Mechanism in Procedural Rules of International Investment Arbitration
摘要 国际投资条约缔约国可以通过非争端方参与或共同作出联合声明两种路径在投资者与国家仲裁过程中对条约约文进行解释。缔约国条约机制限缩了仲裁庭行使条约解释权的空间范围。全体缔约国根据国际投资条约作出的联合解释独立于《维也纳条约法公约》中的条约解释习惯法,而非争端缔约方的单方解释则可能构成《维也纳条约法公约》第31(3)条的条约解释要素。缔约国依据国际投资条约在仲裁过程中共同解释约文的行为并不违反仲裁正当程序原则,也并未对投资者权利造成损害。缔约国条约解释机制是投资者与国家间仲裁中限缩仲裁庭自由裁量空间的有效方式,应当在缔约与仲裁实践中得到更为广泛的应用。 Parties of international investment treaty may interpret the treaty's articles during the process of investor-State arbitration through ways of non-disputing party participation and making joint statement collectively. The State parties' treaty interpretation mechanism restricts and narrows the space in which arbitral tribunals' may exercise their interpretation power. The joint interpretation made by all treaty parties is independent from the customary rule of treaty interpretation in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaty,while the unilateral interpretation made by a non-disputing party may constitute elements of treaty interpretation in Article 31( 3)of Vienna Convention. Interpreting international investment treaties does not violate the due process of arbitration and does not infringe rights of investors. The State parties' treaty interpretation mechanism which limits the discretion of arbitral tribunals effectively should be applied more extensively in the practice of treaty conclusion and arbitration.
作者 靳也
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《武大国际法评论》 2017年第5期87-99,共13页 Wuhan University International Law Review
关键词 国际投资仲裁 国际投资条约 条约解释 缔约国 international investment arbitration international investment treaty treaty interpretation state party
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