This paper, based on the policy decision of the Municipal Government of Beijing to preserve and reuse old plants so as to expand the city’s cultural space and revitalize Shougang Cultural Industrial Park, argues that 'Shougang International Dance City' represents the innovative attempt to transform the old industrial site and create a cultural space there. At present, China’s cultural park development depends on existing industrial and cultural facilities which fall into four categories: cultural resource clusters, former industrial sites, existing science and technology parks, and greenfield development, like Beijing’s 798 Creative Park and Hangzhou’s Song City. However, due to the gradual commercialization and upgrading of art trade in cultural parks, along with the proliferation of 'Internet +' projects and the arrival of the sharing economy, the development of Cultural Parks has shifted towards reusing the industrial heritage under the economic circumstances. This paper focuses on the development of 'Shougang International Dance City' which aims at bringing the dormant cultural resources to life again and turning Shougang into a brand of creativity.'Shougang International Dance City' is being built in a very favorable time setting. First, the political e n v i r o n m e n t i s f a v o r a b l e f o r B e i j i n g M u n i c i p a l Government to optimize the city’s industrial structure, achieve coordinated regional development and build cultural parks. Second, 'Shougang International Dance City' can utilize the plant facilities of Shougang and house the Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, so it has a great potential for transformation and reuse. Beijing Municipal Government has set up a leading group for turning the Shougang park into a high-end industry services area which will qualify as China’s first C40 Cities(climate) project. In addition, the development of sharing economic and the surging 'Internet +'movement in China will increase the economic viability of 'Shougang International Dance City' and guarantee necessary technology support and media development opportunities for the cultural park.In the near future, Shougang Park will form five functional areas: Shijingshan Landscape Park, the Winter Olympic Plaza, the Industrial Heritage Park, the Public Service Zone, and the Innovation Site for City Weaving. Its goal is to transform into a platform for the capital city’s innovation-driven growth and become one of the most dynamic areas of the city. 'Shougang International Dance City' will not only gather a wealth of cultural resources, but also support Shougang Park to become a vibrant town and a high-end industrial cluster.'Shougang International Dance City' will be developed through the following approaches:I. Government push The government should play a visible role in building 'Shougang International Dance City' and offer incentives to promote creative activities and the growth of creativity businesses or teams. While promoting entrepreneurship and employment, the government should stay within 'half an arm’s distance,' adopt and implement both motivational and regulatory policies, and create space for exchanges and activities of the creativity community.II. Combination of dance city and cultural park The upcoming dance city will be the first case of integrating dance as a cultural resource into the development of cultural industry parks in China. At the same time, it will not only help maintain the Chinese tradition of national dance, but also meet the demand for realizing innovation in the art of dance. Efforts can be made in the following three aspects:First, turning 'Shougang International Dance City' into an influential brand. 'Shougang International Dance City' can draw on the unique historical implications of Shougang and the development of dance since 1949, to develop high-end IP products and organize events covering the whole IP industry chain like International Dance Festivals and Summer Dance Carnivals. Through sharing the dance space the project can improve the audience’s experience and enhance value connection. It can also bring together pluralistic cultures, build a multipurpose platform, and therefore form a complete industry chain for sharing diverse cultural benefits. It will then realize the Medici Effect: Through public dance education and dance space offering, the park can improve the audience’s artistic experience and enhance their enthusiasm in the art, leading to the fusion of creative energy. In addition, by applying the 'Internet + culture & creativity' model, the 'Shougang International Dance City' can build up an online platform for creative activities and community connection, enhance its hub-and-spoke effect and develop an influential online brand.Second, building a cluster for dance creation and related creative activities. In addition to retaining the old industrial facilities and building Shougang Museum there to showcase the Shougang heritage, Shougang Park could also use the industrial space for dance activities and utilize the cultural symbols of Shougang to promote audience participation in 'Shougang International Dance City’s' projects and activities so as to cultivate a group of creative and practical talent and professionals. In the end, 'Shougang International Dance City' will possess a dance-based narrative space, consisting of museums, dance galleries and small theaters. The dance-based narrative space will be a creative experiment base and a meeting venue for creative people. It will hatch original stories, boost the growth of avant-garde art, and promote dialogue concerning dance. In addition, cafés in the industrial estates can provide a comfortable place for creative people to meet and brainstorm together.T h i r d, b u i l d i n g a p u b l i c s p a c e f o r d a n c e r s in Shougang. Beijing has a large crowd of dance lovers, and their participation takes various forms and the boundary of art is blurred. A series of dance activities have been organized for a large number of people, which will enhance the community identity and the sense of belonging. This will create a huge participant base for 'Shougang International Dance City.' Therefore, based on the heritage plant facilities, a pleasant and active environment will be developed for the dance community, covering the surroundings and supporting facilities. It will strengthen the public education function, improving the audience’s art literacy and creating a dedicated IP community. It is an innovative approach to building a creativity space in new economic settings.
LI Shi-heng;DENG You-ling
Contemporary Dance Research