本文研究了基于iOS的几种XML解析器特性,通过一个代码程序在iphone模拟器上运行这几种XML解析器,比较它们的下载速度、解析速度及总耗时,并通过iphone SDK中自带的对象分配工具观测每个解析器在解析过程中所需的内存峰值,综合分析解析速度及所需内存峰值,得出每种解析器的最佳使用场合。
This paper introduces several popular XML Parsers of the iOS platform,and then compares each parser's speed in downloading and parsing and total time cost when running a program on an iphone simulator.In addition,an Object Allocations tool in the iphone SDK is used to observe the peak memory usage of each XML Parser.At last,by analyzing the above parsing speed and required peak memory usage,the paper tries to find appropriate application occasions for each of the parsers.
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