本文介绍了500kV自耦型变压器一、二次电流的关系和电流互感器(current transformer,CT)极性测试的基本原理,分析了两种CT极性测试的模型和试验方法。通过在广东省某地区500kV自耦变压器CT验收工程中对两种模型的实际应用,对比分析两种模型的试验结果与理论计算值,证明了两种方法的可行性和有效性,并总结了各方法的优缺点和适用情况。
This paper introduced current relationship and the basic principles of CT polarity test of the 500kV auto-transformer,also analysis of two up-flow test models and test methods.Through 500kV autotransformer CT engineering acceptance of the practical application of the two models in certain areas of Guangdong Province,the test results of two models and theoretical calculation analysis,proved the feasibility and validity of the two methods,and expounds the advantages and disadvantages of each method and its application.
Electronic Test