
复方枸橼酸阿尔维林治疗肠易激综合征的预算影响分析 被引量:7

Budget Impact Analysis on Using Alverine Citrate/Simeticone for Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
摘要 目的:为了对复方枸橼酸阿尔维林(ACS)治疗肠易激综合征(IBS)进行预算影响分析(BIA),为其报销政策的制定提供参考。方法:采用文献研究的方法,选定P.Ducrotte等在2013年报道的《枸橼酸阿尔维林/西甲硅油按需治疗与常规治疗在肠易激综合征治疗方面的比较:一项随机实用性研究的结果》为原始文献,对其ACS按需治疗组和常规治疗组的成本进行本土化处理,按照中国的患病率和就诊率,在直接成本和总成本口径分别进行BIA。结果:以全部患者都用常规治疗的预算为基数,随着ACS按需治疗人数比例的上升,可以节约的预算也逐步上升,在直接成本和总成本口径最高分别可达377.36亿元(45.90%)和427.87亿元(41.14%)。结论:与常规治疗相比,ACS按需治疗可以大幅度地节约预算,值得纳入报销范围。 Objective:To conduct a budget impact analysis(BIA) of using alverine citrate/simeticone(ACS) for treatment of irritablebowel syndrome(IBS), provide references for its reimbursement policy.Methods:Literature study was adopted. Based on the originalpaper of Ondemand Treatment with Alverine Citrate/Simeticone Compared with Standard Treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Results of a Randomised Pragmatic Study Reported by Ducrotte, the costs of ondemand treatment with ACS and standard treatments forIBS were localized. The BIA was conducted at direct cost and total cost levels respectively according to the prevalence and consultation rate in China.Results:Taking the budget of all patients included in standard treatments as the baseline, the saving budget gradually grew with the proportion of patients adopting ondemand treatment with ACS raised. The budget that could be saved also gradually increased with 37.736 billion yuan(45.90%) for the maximum direct cost and 42.787 billion yuan(41.14%) for the maximum totalcost diameter.Conclusion:ACS ondemand treatment could save budget greatly compared with standard treatments, which was worthto be brought into reimbursement scope.
出处 《中国卫生经济》 北大核心 2015年第11期66-68,共3页 Chinese Health Economics
关键词 复方枸橼酸阿尔维林 肠易激综合征 预算影响分析 alverine citrate/simeticone irritable bowel syndrome budget impact analysis
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