外来词在报刊中大量使用 ,丰富了报刊语言 ,外来词也依赖报刊而得到了推广和发展。报刊语言中外来词的众多类型 ,使得报刊语言显得更为活泼、新颖。但外来词的不规范现象也给报刊语言的规范提出了新的要求和任务 ,报刊语言的规范应遵循“必要”、“合身”和“择优”的原则。
The abundant use of loanwords in the press has enriched new spaper language,and depending on the press loanwords have been popularized and d eveloped as well.The great variety of loanwords makes newspaper language vivid a nd novel,but they are not standard and the standardization of newspaper language is required.The standardization should follow the principles of necessity,suita bleness and selecting the best.
Journal of ZHEJIANG Education Institute