Objective: To observe the effect of Kaiyu Qingwei granule on the insulin sensibility of patients with type 2 diabetes. Method: Through the observation-comparison of Chinese medicine with Metformin, we surveyed the difference of body's weights before and after clinical experiment, integral of symptoms, insulin, insulin sensibility index, fat of blood cholesterol, anxiousness and melancholy. Result: The extract type of Kaiyu Qingwei granule curtails bloody glucose at the time of an empty stomach and after dinning, improves the replacement of cholesterol, lessens the body weights, also betters the state of anxiety and depression. Conclusion: Through improving bloody glucose, bloody cholesterol and lessening of body weights, deteriorating of IR and increasing of insulin sensibility with Chinese medicine, the total results derived from several research methods. This is the superiority that the Chinese medicine is able to cure IR.
Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine