目的 :探讨老年性聋临床听力学表现及与耳蜗毛细胞损害的关系。方法 :对 2 0 0 1年 8月至 2 0 0 2年 7月间的 112例老年性聋病人进行临床听力检查并对结果进行分析。结果 :老年性聋男性 (6 5 .9% )较女性 (34.1% )高发 ,听力损害较女性重 ;耳声发射检出率低 (TEOAE的引出率仅为 7.14 % ,DPOAE引出率为 17% )。结论
Objective: To study the clinical audiologic features of presbycusis.Methods: 112 cases of presbycusis from August 2001 to July. 2002 were tested and analysed. Results: The prevalence of presbycusis was significantly greater in men(65.9%) than in women(34.1%), and the hearing levels in men were poorer than those in women; Only 7.14% of these cases had TEOAE, and 17% had DPOAE. Conclusion:Changes in incidence of Otoacustic emissions and pure tone threshold in the aged are thought to be attributed to hair cell loss in cochlea associated with age.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College