论文对收藏于山东省青州市博物馆的段怀穆建伽蓝残碑进行了考索 ,发现此石刻系隋文帝开皇年间诏令天下诸州普立寺院时 ,青州遵诏建寺中遗留下来的碑刻。隋文帝广建寺院所立之碑迄今已极其罕见 ,这样段怀穆伽蓝残碑就为我们研究天皇建寺事件提供了非常宝贵的金石文献资料。基于该碑所具有的重要历史研究价值和书法艺术价值 ,根据中华人民共和国《文物藏品定级标准》的有关规定 ,建议
This paper provides a textual research on the remnant steles of Duan Huaimu Built Temple kept in Qingzhou Museum.It indicates: during the Kaihuang years of Suiwen Emperor ordered all the states to build temples,and these stone inscriptions are remains of those temples in Qingzhou State.Steles of that time are hitherto seldom found,thus the remnant steles of Duan Huaimu Built Temple provide very precious Literature materials of inscriptions forus to study that historical period.Based on its important status of historical research and calligraphy study,it is identified as the first-class historical relic of the nation.
Journal of Weifang Educational College