
中国海南岛13种菊科植物的细胞学研究 被引量:10

Cytological studies on 13 species of Compositae from Hainan, China
摘要 对海南岛 1 3种菊科植物进行了染色体研究 ,对其中 9种植物进行了核型分析 ,结果为 :树菊Tithoni adiversifoliaA .Gray,2n =34=2 6m + 8sm ( 2sat) ;鳢肠Ecliptaprostrata (L .)L .,2n =2 2 =1 8m + 4sm ;金腰箭Synedrellanodiflora (L .)Gaertn.,2n =40 =6m + 30sm ( 2sat) + 4st;三叶鬼针草黄花类型BidenspilosaL .(yel lowflower) ,2n =72 =46m + 2 6sm ( 2sat) ;羽芒菊TridaxprocumbensL .,2n=36=8m + 2 2sm ( 2sat) + 6st;飞机草EupatoriumodoratumL .,2n =60 =46m + 1 4sm ( 2sat) ;一点红Emiliasonchifolia (L .)DC .,2n =2 0 =4m + 1 4sm+ 2st( 1sat) ;夜香牛Vernoniacinerea (L .)Less.,2n =1 8=1 8m ( 4sat) ;白花地胆草ElephantopustomentosusL .,2n =2 2 =2 2m ( 4sat)。另外 4个种的染色体数目为 :革命菜GynuracrepidioidesBenth .、霍香蓟Ageratumcony zoidesL .,2n =40 ;银胶菊PartheniumhysterophorusL .,2n=34;蟛蜞菊Wedeliachinensis (Osbeck .)Merr.,2n =5 6。三叶鬼针草白花类型BidenspilosaL .(whiteflower)的染色体数目为 2n =72。 Chromosome numbers of 13 species of Compositae from Hainan were counted. Karyotypes of nine species were analysed. The results are as follows: Tithonia divers folia A. Gray, 2n = 34 = 26m + 8sm (2sat); Eclipta prostrata ( L.) L., 2n = 22 = 18m + 4sm; Synedrella nodiflora ( L.) Gaertn., 2n = 40 = 6m + 30sm (2sat) + 4st; Bidens pilosa L. (yellow flower), 2n = 72 = 46m + 26sm (2sat); Tridax procumbens L., 2n = 36 = 8m + 22sm (2sat) + 6st; Eupatorium odoratum L., 2n = 60 = 46m + 14sm (2sat); Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC., 2n = 20 = 4m + 14sm + 2st (1sat); Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less., 2n = 18 = 18m (4sat); Elephantopus tomentosus L., 2n = 22 = 22m (4sat); Gynura crepidioides Benth., 2n = 40; Ageratum conyzoides L., 2n = 40; Parthenium hysterophorus L., 2n = 34; Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck.) Merr., 2n = 56; and Bidens pilosa (white flower), 2n = 72.
出处 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期545-552,共8页 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
关键词 中国 海南岛 菊科 植物 细胞学 Compositae wild species chromosome number karyotype
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