动、静态比较分析发现 ,我国生产的极化作用不高 ,人口的极化作用过低。我国地区经济差距的主要原因是生产向东部地区不断集中的同时 ,人口没有相应地向那里集中 ,造成核心发达区域生产与人口分布高度失衡。鼓励中西部贫困人口向东部尤其是东部核心区域流动 ,是解决我国地区经济差距的有效策略。
Both static and dynamic comparative studies reveal that production polarization in China is not high and population polarization is too low. The main cause for this inequality is not over concentration of production but great imbalance between the distribution of production and that of population in the eastern areas, which is the result of the concentration of only production but not of corresponding population in the eastern coastal areas in the past 50 years from 1952 to 2001. An effective strategy to solve the problem of regional inequality is to encourage people in poor central and western areas to move to developed core eastern areas.
Economic Research Journal