以秦皇岛 32 - 6FPSO建造为例 ,从项目管理的角度着重对如何做好船体结构的 4个关键界面 ,即单点系泊支架与船体的连接结构、上部工艺模块与船体的连接结构、动力模块与船体的连接结构、甲板吊机与船体的连接结构界面的协调工作进行论述 ,旨在总结秦皇岛 32 - 6项目的成功经验 ,为今后FPSO建造项目提供借鉴。
There are many interfaces needed to pay attention during construction of FPSO, it is very important to make these interfaces being connected safely, properly and effectively. From the project management point of view, the paper discusses about 4 typical and critical structural interfaces, such as SPM & vessel, process modules & vessel, deck cranes & vessel,and power module & vessel, therefore the QHD 32-6 FPSO projects will be used as and example. The discussion would be helpful and valuable for management of other projects in the future.