Objective To explore the replantation techniques for severed digits at multiple levels.Methods The distal parts of the severed digits were reattached to each other first by using exsanguine replantation,followed by reattachment of the distal two-in-one part to the proximal stump with simultaneous reperfusion of all severed parts.In the cases of devastating injury to some of the severed parts,a segment of the second toe may be used as an impacted transplant to replace severely disfigured segment of the finger.Results Of the24digits reattached in11patients,23digits survived.13digits were severed at2levels,of which12survived.2of another11multi-level amputations involved devastating injuries at distal phalanx of the little finger and intermediate phalanx of the middle finger,which were replaced with the distal and intermediate phalanges of the second toe,respectively,with all of them having survived.Conclusion Multi-level amputations of digits can be treated with the use of segmental reattachment or segmental transplantation techniques that in most cases lead to satisfactory results.
Journal of Practical Hand Surgery