The representative sample La0.58Dy0.09Ca0.33MnO3 of Dy doped La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 rare-earth manganites was investigated. The most important effect of Dy doping is to introduce the magnetoimpurity and form the spin clusters which induce dramatically large CMR in La0.58Dy0.09Ca0.33MnO3. The fitting results of field-induced resistivity decrease to the Brillouin function indicate that the CMR is caused by the spin dependent hopping between spin clusters. It is the magnetic field that reduces the size of spin clusters and induces a field-induced irreversible CMR behaviour.
The representative sample La0.58Dy0.09Ca0.33MnO3 of Dy doped La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 rare-earth manganites was investigated. The most important effect of Dy doping is to introduce the magnetoimpurity and form the spin clusters which induce dramatically large CMR in La0.58Dy0.09Ca0.33MnO3. The fitting results of field-induced resistivity decrease to the Brillouin function indicate that the CMR is caused by the spin dependent hopping between spin clusters. It is the magnetic field that reduces the size of spin clusters and induces a field-induced irreversible CMR behaviour.