本文叙述池养越冬中国对虾Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye受两种线虫Chromadorita sp.和Oncholaimussp.感染的情况。线虫损伤被感染器官(主要有鳃和眼球)的组织,导致对虾的大量死亡。在被感染的组织中发现有线虫的受精卵、各期胚胎和刚孵出的幼虫,表明线虫可能在虾体内度过整个生命周期,并在其中繁衍。几种环境因子对线虫的影响以及线虫对三种消毒剂的抵抗力试验表明,线虫只能生活在较窄的PH值范围内,其适应的温度和盐度分别约为8—30℃和16—45‰。线虫可在11℃以上的温度环境中成熟产卵。线虫对次氯酸钠以及甲醛最敏感。0.15ppm次氯酸钠、0.25ppm的福尔马林、10ppm的高锰酸钾能杀死两种线虫。
This paper deals with that reared chineseshrimp Penaeus orientalis K. in overwinter pe-riod were infected by two free - living nema-todes, Oncholgimus sp. and Chromadorita sp.which damaged the tissues of infested organs,the compound eyes and the gills, led to a highmortality of the shrimp. The zagotes, em-bryos, larva,juveniles and adults of the nema-todes were found in the infested tissues at 11.5℃, suggesting that the nematodes mightspend their life span throughout and propagatein the body of the shrimp.Using individuals of the nematodes ob-tained from the infested tissues of the shrimp,the tests about the effects of several environ-mental factors on the survival of the nema-todes and disinfectantes - resistances of themhave been carried out, showing that the nema-todes can fit a quite narrow range of PH valueonly, the adaptive temperatures and salinitiesfor the nematodes are about 8-30℃ and 16-44‰ S respectively, o. 15 - 0. 2ppm of an-tiformin containing 10% chlorine,or 0. 25-0.4ppm of formalin containing 36% of HCHO,or 6-7ppm of KMnO_4 can kill off the nema-todes in the water completely.
Fisheries Science