细菌人工染色体是继 λ噬菌体、黏粒、噬菌体人工染色体、酵母人工染色体等载体系统之后发展起来的 DNA载体系统 ,以其容量大、遗传特性稳定、嵌合体少、插入片段易回收、操作简便等优点 ,而被广泛应用于基因组较大的真核生物基因组研究中 ,并发挥着前所未有的重要作用。因此本文概括性地阐述了细菌人工染色体的发展 ,以及利用此载体构建基因组文库的机理和程序及其鉴定方法。
The construction of DNA vector systems such asλ bacteriophage,cosmid,P1-derived artificial chromosome,yeast artificial chromosome , bacterial artificial chromosome(BAC)system has been developed as another powerful DNA vector system. Being capable of inserting large fragments, maintaining the stability of inserted DNA in E.coli,producing few cherisms,recovering inserted DNA from E. coli cells,and being easy in library construction,BAC is being widely used and producing unprecedented effect in the research of larger eukaryote genomes. This paper presents a brief introduction to the development of BAC,and the mechanism and process of BAC library construction and identification.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology