The issue of domain name has once arisen heated and extensive law studies in the legal theoretical field. This article has no intention to further the study on the solution of the conflict between the domain name and traditional trade signs while looks at the issue of domain name from another angle so as to get different but compatible studying fruits. Along with relatively comprehensive retrospection and embedded review on practices about solutions of disputes, the legislative process and theoretical studying relating to the issue of domain name macroscopically, it concludes that the studying of the domain name ever goes astray. The underlying reason lies in the non-scientific understandings on the relationship between law and science and technology, the conservative characteristic of law and the origination, creation and construction of right. As a result, this article converts to ponder several jurisprudential problems, such as how law reacts to the challenges brought to by internet technology and the evolution logic of law in society.
Internet Law Review
the studying of the domain name
the right of the domain name
science and technology
the creation and construction of right
the evolution logic of law