就精神分析而言,贝克特所处的位置与其他现代主义作家相比无疑是独一无二的。这不仅因为他住在伦敦时接受了两年心理治疗,还因为他的著作广泛涉及精神分析,以至于像迪迪埃·安齐厄这样的精神分析学家都认为贝克特的作品以写作来延续拓宽了精神分析领域。首先,本文通过回顾贝克特的日记来了解有关他的治疗情况,探讨心理治疗师W. R.贝恩对他的持续影响力。接着,本文着重分析早期(因笛卡尔)与弗洛伊德的接触如何奠定了他与精神分析如此之深的关系,厘清他的治疗对其后期的一些作品所产生的影响。最后,本文试图阐明贝克特整体的哲学证明他一直在与弗洛伊德的无意识理论进行抗争。
Facing psychoanalysis,Beckett’s position among other modernist authors is quite exceptional:not only did he undergo a psychoanalytic treatment for two years while living in London,but also his works are replete with references to psychoanalysis,to the point that a psychoanalyst like Didier Anzieu could say that his texts are a vast continuation of psychoanalysis by the means of writing.After having retraced what we can learn from Beckett’s letters about his cure,I will focus on the impact his psychoanalyst,W.R.Bion,kept having on him.I will also stress how an earlier encounter with Freud(about Descartes)had paved the way for such a deep immersion,and then follow the aftermath of the cure in a few later texts.Finally,it is Beckett’s entire philosophy that can appear as testifying to his struggle with the Freudian Unconscious.
Jean-Michel Rabaté(the University of Pennsylvania;the American Academy of Arts and Sciences;Slought Foundation)
Foreign Literature Studies