曲靖市麒麟区为国家级可持续发展综合实验区,1998年以来工程造林7239 3hm2,累计实施森林管护面积167480hm2,全区森林覆盖率由27 4%提高到29 4%,在总结经验的基础上,提出了今后建设目标。
Qilin district is a national level comprehensive experimental site of sustainable development. Since 1998, the land of 7 2393 hm2 has been afforested, forest tending and management has been conducted on the forests of 167 480 hm2, the forest coverage of the whole district was increased from 274 % to 294 %. Based on summarizing the experiences and lessons, the construction objective for future is proposed.
Forest Inventory and Planning