

A Probe into the Narrative Arrangement of Biographies of the Huns in Historical Records and the Reconstruction of Hun's History
摘要 《史记·匈奴列传》记载了匈奴的族源、风俗习惯、政治军事组织等内容,载述了自先周起至汉武帝时期匈奴与中原王朝的关系史,重点讲述了汉武帝时期汉与匈奴的和战史。司马迁按照自己的历史评价对史料进行了选择和排列,将复杂繁乱的历史问题叙述得条理分明,表现出高超的叙事艺术。司马迁经过选择与遗忘、强化与忽略等手法,对过去的历史记忆进行了再加工,并能跳出华夏的固有观念,正视夷夏差异并反观自身,完成了对匈奴历史的重新建构,表现出进步的民族思想。 The Biography of Huns in Historical Records depicts the origin,customs,political and military organization of the Huns,describes the history of the relationship between the Huns and the Central Plains Dynasty from the early Zhou Dynasty to the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty,and focuses on the history of peace and war between the Han and the Huns during the Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty. Sima Qian chooses and arranges the historical materials according to his own historical evaluation,narrates the complicated and entangled historical problems in a clear and orderly way,and shows superb narrative art. Sima Qian,by means of selection and forgetting,strengthening and neglecting,reprocessed the historical memory of the past,and is able to jump out of the inherent concept of Han Nationalism,to face up to the differences between Yixia and Hanoi,to look back on himself,and to complete the reconstruction of the history of the Huns,showing progressive national thoughts.
作者 马倩 MA Qian(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an 710119,China)
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2019年第4期35-40,共6页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 《史记》 《匈奴列传》 叙述结构 史料编排用意 历史重构 历史记忆 Historical Records Biography of the Huns narrative structure historical material arrangement intention historical reconstruction historical memory
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