

Reflections on the Establishment of Women's Federations in Non-Public Economic Organizations
摘要 非公经济组织建立妇联组织具有现实的必然性,但也存在一些问题和障碍。非公经济妇联组织要有效地发挥作用,一是将性别意识纳入政府、人大、政协决策的主流——政策和法律保障;二是党建带妇建——组织保障;三是合理地利用妇联组织的两种身份——策略保障;四是协调好与工会的关系——机制保障。 Although it is realistically inevitable to set up women's federations in non-public economic organizations, problems and obstacles are bound to arise in this respect. If women's federations in these economic organizations are to play their roles effectively, four guarantees must be provided: Political-legal guarantee, i.e. to channel gender consciousness into the decision mainstreams of the governments, people's congresses and CPPCC committees; organizational guarantee, i.e. to make Party-building work drive the building of women's federations; tactical guarantee, i.e. to make rational use of the two capacities of women's federations; mechanism guarantee, i.e. to coordinate well their relationship with the trade unions.
作者 宓瑞新
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期34-40,共7页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 非公经济组织 妇联组织 有效性 性别意识 组织保障 策略保障 机制保障 non-public economic organizations women's federations effectiveness
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